Online XML Entities Escape and Un-escape Tool

Before you can do anything with XML data, you need to escape it. This is a process that converts special characters into their corresponding hex codes so the parser doesn’t misinterpret them.

But what if you want to un-escape entities? That’s where this tool comes in handy. Simply input your XML string select whether it needs to be escaped or un-escaped and hit submit!

Escape and Un-escape XML Entities Online

The XML Entities Escape and Un-escape Tool can help you escape or un-escape XML characters. Whether you’re planning on using these entities in the next episode of Dexter, or simply to share an idea with someone else.


What are XML Entities?

XML Entities is a term for XML that has been encoded to make it safe. When data is transferred across the internet, there are certain characters that can’t be used because they might trigger an unintended response from a web server or browser.

For example, if you type in “<” and “>”, your browser will probably show you something like. This means that some of the spaces were converted into HTML tags.

There are many other characters like this that need to be encoded so they don’t affect what happens when data is sent back and forth over the Internet.

XML Entities is a powerful tool for web developers. XML entities are used to create web-safe characters that would otherwise not be allowed in an XML document.

What Characters We Should Escape in XML Documents?

This is a question I often get when working with developers, and it’s one that can be confusing. Luckily for us, the answer isn’t too complicated!

XML is a markup language that’s similar to HTML, but it doesn’t have any tags around the information – it just uses brackets and other symbols. There are only 5 characters that need to be escaped.

"   &quot;
'   &apos;
<   &lt;
>   &gt;
&   &amp;

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