#de9408 | Beige Red |
- Beige Red (#de9408)
RGB: (222, 148, 8) of which red value is 222, green value is 148 and blue value is 8.
- HSL: hue: 0.37 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.48.
- HSV: 39°, 96°, 87°
- CMYK: 0, 33, 96, 13.
#770001 | Blood |
- Blood (#770001)
RGB: (119, 0, 1) of which red value is 119, green value is 0 and blue value is 1.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.22.
- HSV: 359°, 100°, 46°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 99, 53.
#ff000d | Bright Red |
- Bright Red (#ff000d)
RGB: (255, 0, 13) of which red value is 255, green value is 0 and blue value is 13.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.47.
- HSV: 356°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 95, 0.
#922b05 | Brown Red |
- Brown Red (#922b05)
RGB: (146, 43, 5) of which red value is 146, green value is 43 and blue value is 5.
- HSL: hue: 0.64 , saturation: 0.90, lightness: 0.36.
- HSV: 16°, 96°, 57°
- CMYK: 0, 71, 97, 43.
#9e3623 | Brownish Red |
- Brownish Red (#9e3623)
RGB: (158, 54, 35) of which red value is 158, green value is 54 and blue value is 35.
- HSL: hue: 0.40 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.46.
- HSV: 9°, 77°, 61°
- CMYK: 0, 66, 78, 38.
#900020 | Burgundy |
- Burgundy (#900020)
RGB: (144, 0, 32) of which red value is 144, green value is 0 and blue value is 32.
- HSL: hue: 0.96 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.02.
- HSV: 346°, 100°, 56°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 78, 44.
#eb5030 | Burning Tomato |
- Burning Tomato (#eb5030)
RGB: (235, 80, 48) of which red value is 235, green value is 80 and blue value is 48.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.36.
- HSV: 10°, 79°, 92°
- CMYK: 0, 66, 80, 8.
#7e392f | Burnt Henna |
- Burnt Henna (#7e392f)
RGB: (126, 57, 47) of which red value is 126, green value is 57 and blue value is 47.
- HSL: hue: 0.44 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.46.
- HSV: 7°, 62°, 49°
- CMYK: 0, 55, 63, 51.
#420303 | Burnt Maroon |
- Burnt Maroon (#420303)
RGB: (66, 3, 3) of which red value is 66, green value is 3 and blue value is 3.
- HSL: hue: 0.56 , saturation: 0.85, lightness: 0.10.
- HSV: 0°, 95°, 25°
- CMYK: 0, 95, 95, 74.
#9f2305 | Burnt Red |
- Burnt Red (#9f2305)
RGB: (159, 35, 5) of which red value is 159, green value is 35 and blue value is 5.
- HSL: hue: 0.36 , saturation: 0.93, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 11°, 96°, 62°
- CMYK: 0, 78, 97, 38.
#e30022 | Cadmium Red |
- Cadmium Red (#e30022)
RGB: (227, 0, 34) of which red value is 227, green value is 0 and blue value is 34.
- HSL: hue: 0.29 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.10.
- HSV: 351°, 100°, 89°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 85, 11.
#941100 | Cayenne |
- Cayenne (#941100)
RGB: (148, 17, 0) of which red value is 148, green value is 17 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.35 , saturation: 0.76, lightness: 0.15.
- HSV: 6°, 100°, 58°
- CMYK: 0, 89, 100, 42.
#f7022a | Cherry |
- Cherry (#f7022a)
RGB: (247, 2, 42) of which red value is 247, green value is 2 and blue value is 42.
- HSL: hue: 0.37 , saturation: 0.76, lightness: 0.25.
- HSV: 350°, 99°, 96°
- CMYK: 0, 99, 83, 3.
#f2013f | Cherry Tomato |
- Cherry Tomato (#f2013f)
RGB: (242, 1, 63) of which red value is 242, green value is 1 and blue value is 63.
- HSL: hue: 0.37 , saturation: 0.36, lightness: 0.09.
- HSV: 344°, 99°, 94°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 74, 5.
#b01b2e | Christmas Red |
- Christmas Red (#b01b2e)
RGB: (176, 27, 46) of which red value is 176, green value is 27 and blue value is 46.
- HSL: hue: 0.68 , saturation: 0.99, lightness: 0.35.
- HSV: 352°, 84°, 69°
- CMYK: 0, 85, 74, 31.
#be454f | Chrysanthemum |
- Chrysanthemum (#be454f)
RGB: (190, 69, 79) of which red value is 190, green value is 69 and blue value is 79.
- HSL: hue: 0.39 , saturation: 0.91, lightness: 0.47.
- HSV: 355°, 63°, 74°
- CMYK: 0, 64, 58, 25.
#730113 | Cinnabar |
- Cinnabar (#730113)
RGB: (115, 1, 19) of which red value is 115, green value is 1 and blue value is 19.
- HSL: hue: 0.37 , saturation: 0.75, lightness: 0.11.
- HSV: 350°, 99°, 45°
- CMYK: 0, 99, 83, 55.
#ce261c | Clear Red |
- Clear Red (#ce261c)
RGB: (206, 38, 28) of which red value is 206, green value is 38 and blue value is 28.
- HSL: hue: 0.40 , saturation: 0.90, lightness: 0.47.
- HSV: 3°, 86°, 80°
- CMYK: 0, 82, 86, 19.
#ff4040 | Coral Red |
- Coral Red (#ff4040)
RGB: (255, 64, 64) of which red value is 255, green value is 64 and blue value is 64.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 0°, 74°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 75, 75, 0.
#9e003a | Cranberry |
- Cranberry (#9e003a)
RGB: (158, 0, 58) of which red value is 158, green value is 0 and blue value is 58.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.45.
- HSV: 337°, 100°, 61°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 63, 38.
#980001 | Crimson Red |
- Crimson Red (#980001)
RGB: (152, 0, 1) of which red value is 152, green value is 0 and blue value is 1.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.25.
- HSV: 359°, 100°, 59°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 99, 40.
#770f05 | Dark Burgundy |
- Dark Burgundy (#770f05)
RGB: (119, 15, 5) of which red value is 119, green value is 15 and blue value is 5.
- HSL: hue: 0.59 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.48.
- HSV: 5°, 95°, 46°
- CMYK: 0, 87, 96, 53.
#840000 | Dark Red |
- Dark Red (#840000)
RGB: (132, 0, 0) of which red value is 132, green value is 0 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.31 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.13.
- HSV: 0°, 100°, 51°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 48.
#734a45 | Dark Ruby |
- Dark Ruby (#734a45)
RGB: (115, 74, 69) of which red value is 115, green value is 74 and blue value is 69.
- HSL: hue: 0.62 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.34.
- HSV: 6°, 40°, 45°
- CMYK: 0, 36, 40, 55.
#80444c | Dark Strawberry |
- Dark Strawberry (#80444c)
RGB: (128, 68, 76) of which red value is 128, green value is 68 and blue value is 76.
- HSL: hue: 0.68 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.14.
- HSV: 352°, 46°, 50°
- CMYK: 0, 47, 41, 50.
#820000 | Deep Maroon |
- Deep Maroon (#820000)
RGB: (130, 0, 0) of which red value is 130, green value is 0 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.29 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.06.
- HSV: 0°, 100°, 50°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 49.
#9a0200 | Deep Red |
- Deep Red (#9a0200)
RGB: (154, 2, 0) of which red value is 154, green value is 2 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.36 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.33.
- HSV: 0°, 100°, 60°
- CMYK: 0, 99, 100, 40.
#bb3f3f | Dull Red |
- Dull Red (#bb3f3f)
RGB: (187, 63, 63) of which red value is 187, green value is 63 and blue value is 63.
- HSL: hue: 0.55 , saturation: 0.91, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 0°, 66°, 73°
- CMYK: 0, 66, 66, 27.
#b9484e | Dusty Red |
- Dusty Red (#b9484e)
RGB: (185, 72, 78) of which red value is 185, green value is 72 and blue value is 78.
- HSL: hue: 0.48 , saturation: 0.86, lightness: 0.31.
- HSV: 356°, 61°, 72°
- CMYK: 0, 61, 58, 27.
#983f4a | Egyptian Red |
- Egyptian Red (#983f4a)
RGB: (152, 63, 74) of which red value is 152, green value is 63 and blue value is 74.
- HSL: hue: 0.58 , saturation: 0.93, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 352°, 58°, 59°
- CMYK: 0, 59, 51, 40.
#e60000 | Electric Red |
- Electric Red (#e60000)
RGB: (230, 0, 0) of which red value is 230, green value is 0 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.31 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.19.
- HSV: 0°, 100°, 90°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 10.
#d3494e | Faded Red |
- Faded Red (#d3494e)
RGB: (211, 73, 78) of which red value is 211, green value is 73 and blue value is 78.
- HSL: hue: 0.62 , saturation: 0.84, lightness: 0.32.
- HSV: 357°, 65°, 82°
- CMYK: 0, 65, 63, 17.
#bf6464 | Faded Rose |
- Faded Rose (#bf6464)
RGB: (191, 100, 100) of which red value is 191, green value is 100 and blue value is 100.
- HSL: hue: 0.38 , saturation: 0.93, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 0°, 47°, 74°
- CMYK: 0, 48, 48, 25.
#d01c1f | Fiery Red |
- Fiery Red (#d01c1f)
RGB: (208, 28, 31) of which red value is 208, green value is 28 and blue value is 31.
- HSL: hue: 0.68 , saturation: 0.99, lightness: 0.38.
- HSV: 359°, 86°, 81°
- CMYK: 0, 87, 85, 18.
#fe0002 | Fire Engine Red |
- Fire Engine Red (#fe0002)
RGB: (254, 0, 2) of which red value is 254, green value is 0 and blue value is 2.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.44.
- HSV: 359°, 100°, 99°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 99, 0.
#ff5555 | Fluorescent Red |
- Fluorescent Red (#ff5555)
RGB: (255, 85, 85) of which red value is 255, green value is 85 and blue value is 85.
- HSL: hue: 0.38 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.51.
- HSV: 0°, 66°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 67, 67, 0.
#af413b | Glitzy Red |
- Glitzy Red (#af413b)
RGB: (175, 65, 59) of which red value is 175, green value is 65 and blue value is 59.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 3°, 66°, 68°
- CMYK: 0, 63, 66, 31.
#9e1212 | Heavy Red |
- Heavy Red (#9e1212)
RGB: (158, 18, 18) of which red value is 158, green value is 18 and blue value is 18.
- HSL: hue: 0.35 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.46.
- HSV: 0°, 88°, 61°
- CMYK: 0, 89, 89, 38.
#f1172f | Hinomaru Red |
- Hinomaru Red (#f1172f)
RGB: (241, 23, 47) of which red value is 241, green value is 23 and blue value is 47.
- HSL: hue: 0.66 , saturation: 0.77, lightness: 0.25.
- HSV: 353°, 90°, 94°
- CMYK: 0, 90, 80, 5.
#9a382d | Ketchup |
- Ketchup (#9a382d)
RGB: (154, 56, 45) of which red value is 154, green value is 56 and blue value is 45.
- HSL: hue: 0.46 , saturation: 0.90, lightness: 0.34.
- HSV: 6°, 70°, 60°
- CMYK: 0, 64, 71, 40.
#cf1020 | Lava |
- Lava (#cf1020)
RGB: (207, 16, 32) of which red value is 207, green value is 16 and blue value is 32.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.98, lightness: 0.48.
- HSV: 354°, 92°, 81°
- CMYK: 0, 92, 85, 19.
#ba0b32 | Lychee |
- Lychee (#ba0b32)
RGB: (186, 11, 50) of which red value is 186, green value is 11 and blue value is 50.
- HSL: hue: 0.52 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.37.
- HSV: 346°, 94°, 72°
- CMYK: 0, 94, 73, 27.
#800000 | Maroon |
- Maroon (#800000)
RGB: (128, 0, 0) of which red value is 128, green value is 0 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.00 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.02.
- HSV: 0°, 100°, 50°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 50.
#bc2731 | Mars Red |
- Mars Red (#bc2731)
RGB: (188, 39, 49) of which red value is 188, green value is 39 and blue value is 49.
- HSL: hue: 0.43 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.40.
- HSV: 355°, 79°, 73°
- CMYK: 0, 79, 74, 26.
#fc2847 | Medium Scarlet |
- Medium Scarlet (#fc2847)
RGB: (252, 40, 71) of which red value is 252, green value is 40 and blue value is 71.
- HSL: hue: 0.44 , saturation: 0.86, lightness: 0.41.
- HSV: 351°, 84°, 98°
- CMYK: 0, 84, 72, 1.
#b35457 | Mineral Red |
- Mineral Red (#b35457)
RGB: (179, 84, 87) of which red value is 179, green value is 84 and blue value is 87.
- HSL: hue: 0.55 , saturation: 0.73, lightness: 0.16.
- HSV: 358°, 53°, 70°
- CMYK: 0, 53, 51, 30.
#920a4e | Mulberry |
- Mulberry (#920a4e)
RGB: (146, 10, 78) of which red value is 146, green value is 10 and blue value is 78.
- HSL: hue: 0.64 , saturation: 0.90, lightness: 0.34.
- HSV: 330°, 93°, 57°
- CMYK: 0, 93, 47, 43.
#ff073a | Neon Red |
- Neon Red (#ff073a)
RGB: (255, 7, 58) of which red value is 255, green value is 7 and blue value is 58.
- HSL: hue: 0.41 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 347°, 97°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 97, 77, 0.
#b34b47 | Off Red |
- Off Red (#b34b47)
RGB: (179, 75, 71) of which red value is 179, green value is 75 and blue value is 71.
- HSL: hue: 0.63 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.37.
- HSV: 2°, 60°, 70°
- CMYK: 0, 58, 60, 30.
#ff1b2d | Opera Red |
- Opera Red (#ff1b2d)
RGB: (255, 27, 45) of which red value is 255, green value is 27 and blue value is 45.
- HSL: hue: 0.45 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 355°, 89°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 89, 82, 0.
#f43605 | Orangish Red |
- Orangish Red (#f43605)
RGB: (244, 54, 5) of which red value is 244, green value is 54 and blue value is 5.
- HSL: hue: 0.56 , saturation: 0.73, lightness: 0.22.
- HSV: 12°, 97°, 95°
- CMYK: 0, 78, 98, 4.
#d9544d | Pale Red |
- Pale Red (#d9544d)
RGB: (217, 84, 77) of which red value is 217, green value is 84 and blue value is 77.
- HSL: hue: 0.40 , saturation: 0.84, lightness: 0.32.
- HSV: 3°, 64°, 85°
- CMYK: 0, 61, 65, 15.
#df7163 | Pale Scarlet |
- Pale Scarlet (#df7163)
RGB: (223, 113, 99) of which red value is 223, green value is 113 and blue value is 99.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.51.
- HSV: 6°, 55°, 87°
- CMYK: 0, 49, 56, 13.
#ff6961 | Pastel Red |
- Pastel Red (#ff6961)
RGB: (255, 105, 97) of which red value is 255, green value is 105 and blue value is 97.
- HSL: hue: 0.43 , saturation: 0.93, lightness: 0.51.
- HSV: 3°, 61°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 59, 62, 0.
#980036 | Pink Raspberry |
- Pink Raspberry (#980036)
RGB: (152, 0, 54) of which red value is 152, green value is 0 and blue value is 54.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.95, lightness: 0.26.
- HSV: 338°, 100°, 59°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 64, 40.
#f10c45 | Pinkish Red |
- Pinkish Red (#f10c45)
RGB: (241, 12, 69) of which red value is 241, green value is 12 and blue value is 69.
- HSL: hue: 0.67 , saturation: 0.86, lightness: 0.41.
- HSV: 345°, 95°, 94°
- CMYK: 0, 95, 71, 5.
#c35550 | Pomegranate |
- Pomegranate (#c35550)
RGB: (195, 85, 80) of which red value is 195, green value is 85 and blue value is 80.
- HSL: hue: 0.57 , saturation: 0.75, lightness: 0.19.
- HSV: 2°, 58°, 76°
- CMYK: 0, 56, 59, 24.
#ab6f73 | Pomegranate Tea |
- Pomegranate Tea (#ab6f73)
RGB: (171, 111, 115) of which red value is 171, green value is 111 and blue value is 115.
- HSL: hue: 0.55 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 356°, 35°, 67°
- CMYK: 0, 35, 33, 33.
#dc343b | Poppy Red |
- Poppy Red (#dc343b)
RGB: (220, 52, 59) of which red value is 220, green value is 52 and blue value is 59.
- HSL: hue: 0.38 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.41.
- HSV: 357°, 76°, 86°
- CMYK: 0, 76, 73, 14.
#701c11 | Prune |
- Prune (#701c11)
RGB: (112, 28, 17) of which red value is 112, green value is 28 and blue value is 17.
- HSL: hue: 0.67 , saturation: 0.99, lightness: 0.38.
- HSV: 6°, 84°, 43°
- CMYK: 0, 75, 85, 56.
#d22d1d | Pure Red |
- Pure Red (#d22d1d)
RGB: (210, 45, 29) of which red value is 210, green value is 45 and blue value is 29.
- HSL: hue: 0.65 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.44.
- HSV: 5°, 86°, 82°
- CMYK: 0, 79, 86, 18.
#990147 | Purple Red |
- Purple Red (#990147)
RGB: (153, 1, 71) of which red value is 153, green value is 1 and blue value is 71.
- HSL: hue: 0.35 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.30.
- HSV: 332°, 99°, 60°
- CMYK: 0, 99, 54, 40.
#b0054b | Purplish Red |
- Purplish Red (#b0054b)
RGB: (176, 5, 75) of which red value is 176, green value is 5 and blue value is 75.
- HSL: hue: 0.69 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.16.
- HSV: 335°, 97°, 69°
- CMYK: 0, 97, 57, 31.
#dd1133 | Rare Red |
- Rare Red (#dd1133)
RGB: (221, 17, 51) of which red value is 221, green value is 17 and blue value is 51.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.44.
- HSV: 350°, 92°, 86°
- CMYK: 0, 92, 77, 13.
#b00149 | Raspberry |
- Raspberry (#b00149)
RGB: (176, 1, 73) of which red value is 176, green value is 1 and blue value is 73.
- HSL: hue: 0.76 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.04.
- HSV: 335°, 99°, 69°
- CMYK: 0, 99, 59, 31.
#ca3767 | Raspberry Jam |
- Raspberry Jam (#ca3767)
RGB: (202, 55, 103) of which red value is 202, green value is 55 and blue value is 103.
- HSL: hue: 0.45 , saturation: 0.86, lightness: 0.34.
- HSV: 340°, 72°, 79°
- CMYK: 0, 73, 49, 21.
#e30b5d | Raspberry Yogurt |
- Raspberry Yogurt (#e30b5d)
RGB: (227, 11, 93) of which red value is 227, green value is 11 and blue value is 93.
- HSL: hue: 0.63 , saturation: 0.86, lightness: 0.38.
- HSV: 337°, 95°, 89°
- CMYK: 0, 95, 59, 11.
#ff0000 | Red |
- Red (#ff0000)
RGB: (255, 0, 0) of which red value is 255, green value is 0 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.47.
- HSV: 0°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 0.
#ee204d | Red Crayon |
- Red Crayon (#ee204d)
RGB: (238, 32, 77) of which red value is 238, green value is 32 and blue value is 77.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.45.
- HSV: 346°, 86°, 93°
- CMYK: 0, 87, 68, 7.
#220a0a | Red Ink |
- Red Ink (#220a0a)
RGB: (34, 10, 10) of which red value is 34, green value is 10 and blue value is 10.
- HSL: hue: 0.64 , saturation: 0.98, lightness: 0.32.
- HSV: 0°, 70°, 13°
- CMYK: 0, 71, 71, 87.
#473442 | Red Onion |
- Red Onion (#473442)
RGB: (71, 52, 66) of which red value is 71, green value is 52 and blue value is 66.
- HSL: hue: 0.43 , saturation: 0.93, lightness: 0.23.
- HSV: 315°, 26°, 27°
- CMYK: 0, 27, 7, 72.
#7c2946 | Red Plum |
- Red Plum (#7c2946)
RGB: (124, 41, 70) of which red value is 124, green value is 41 and blue value is 70.
- HSL: hue: 0.46 , saturation: 0.93, lightness: 0.39.
- HSV: 339°, 66°, 48°
- CMYK: 0, 67, 44, 51.
#fe2713 | Red Riding Hood |
- Red Riding Hood (#fe2713)
RGB: (254, 39, 19) of which red value is 254, green value is 39 and blue value is 19.
- HSL: hue: 0.41 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.47.
- HSV: 5°, 92°, 99°
- CMYK: 0, 85, 93, 0.
#b95543 | Red River |
- Red River (#b95543)
RGB: (185, 85, 67) of which red value is 185, green value is 85 and blue value is 67.
- HSL: hue: 0.42 , saturation: 0.86, lightness: 0.31.
- HSV: 9°, 63°, 72°
- CMYK: 0, 54, 64, 27.
#7d4138 | Red Robin |
- Red Robin (#7d4138)
RGB: (125, 65, 56) of which red value is 125, green value is 65 and blue value is 56.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.43.
- HSV: 7°, 55°, 49°
- CMYK: 0, 48, 55, 51.
#a65052 | Red Rock |
- Red Rock (#a65052)
RGB: (166, 80, 82) of which red value is 166, green value is 80 and blue value is 82.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 0.91, lightness: 0.21.
- HSV: 358°, 51°, 65°
- CMYK: 0, 52, 51, 35.
#783b38 | Red Velvet |
- Red Velvet (#783b38)
RGB: (120, 59, 56) of which red value is 120, green value is 59 and blue value is 56.
- HSL: hue: 0.55 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.36.
- HSV: 2°, 53°, 47°
- CMYK: 0, 51, 53, 53.
#7f2b0a | Reddish Brown |
- Reddish Brown (#7f2b0a)
RGB: (127, 43, 10) of which red value is 127, green value is 43 and blue value is 10.
- HSL: hue: 0.45 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 16°, 92°, 49°
- CMYK: 0, 66, 92, 50.
#997570 | Reddish Grey |
- Reddish Grey (#997570)
RGB: (153, 117, 112) of which red value is 153, green value is 117 and blue value is 112.
- HSL: hue: 0.42 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.31.
- HSV: 7°, 26°, 60°
- CMYK: 0, 24, 27, 40.
#910951 | Reddish Purple |
- Reddish Purple (#910951)
RGB: (145, 9, 81) of which red value is 145, green value is 9 and blue value is 81.
- HSL: hue: 0.66 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.31.
- HSV: 328°, 93°, 56°
- CMYK: 0, 94, 44, 43.
#7f4e47 | Revival Red |
- Revival Red (#7f4e47)
RGB: (127, 78, 71) of which red value is 127, green value is 78 and blue value is 71.
- HSL: hue: 0.49 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 7°, 44°, 49°
- CMYK: 0, 39, 44, 50.
#c92351 | Rose Red |
- Rose Red (#c92351)
RGB: (201, 35, 81) of which red value is 201, green value is 35 and blue value is 81.
- HSL: hue: 0.38 , saturation: 0.85, lightness: 0.31.
- HSV: 343°, 82°, 78°
- CMYK: 0, 83, 60, 21.
#65000b | Rosewood |
- Rosewood (#65000b)
RGB: (101, 0, 11) of which red value is 101, green value is 0 and blue value is 11.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.16.
- HSV: 353°, 100°, 39°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 89, 60.
#ab1239 | Rouge |
- Rouge (#ab1239)
RGB: (171, 18, 57) of which red value is 171, green value is 18 and blue value is 57.
- HSL: hue: 0.36 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.37.
- HSV: 344°, 89°, 67°
- CMYK: 0, 89, 67, 33.
#ca0147 | Ruby |
- Ruby (#ca0147)
RGB: (202, 1, 71) of which red value is 202, green value is 1 and blue value is 71.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.86, lightness: 0.34.
- HSV: 339°, 99°, 79°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 65, 21.
#3a181a | Rustic Red |
- Rustic Red (#3a181a)
RGB: (58, 24, 26) of which red value is 58, green value is 24 and blue value is 26.
- HSL: hue: 0.47 , saturation: 0.96, lightness: 0.32.
- HSV: 356°, 58°, 22°
- CMYK: 0, 59, 55, 77.
#af2f0d | Rusty Red |
- Rusty Red (#af2f0d)
RGB: (175, 47, 13) of which red value is 175, green value is 47 and blue value is 13.
- HSL: hue: 0.50 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 12°, 92°, 68°
- CMYK: 0, 73, 93, 31.
#a2242f | Samba |
- Samba (#a2242f)
RGB: (162, 36, 47) of which red value is 162, green value is 36 and blue value is 47.
- HSL: hue: 0.60 , saturation: 0.74, lightness: 0.15.
- HSV: 354°, 77°, 63°
- CMYK: 0, 78, 71, 36.
#ff2400 | Scarlet |
- Scarlet (#ff2400)
RGB: (255, 36, 0) of which red value is 255, green value is 36 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.37 , saturation: 0.90, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 8°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 86, 100, 0.
#bb1237 | Ski Patrol |
- Ski Patrol (#bb1237)
RGB: (187, 18, 55) of which red value is 187, green value is 18 and blue value is 55.
- HSL: hue: 0.36 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.37.
- HSV: 346°, 90°, 73°
- CMYK: 0, 90, 71, 27.
#9e1316 | Spartan Crimson |
- Spartan Crimson (#9e1316)
RGB: (158, 19, 22) of which red value is 158, green value is 19 and blue value is 22.
- HSL: hue: 0.36 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.46.
- HSV: 358°, 87°, 61°
- CMYK: 0, 88, 86, 38.
#ff1111 | Spicy Red |
- Spicy Red (#ff1111)
RGB: (255, 17, 17) of which red value is 255, green value is 17 and blue value is 17.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 0°, 93°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 93, 93, 0.
#fb2943 | Strawberry |
- Strawberry (#fb2943)
RGB: (251, 41, 67) of which red value is 251, green value is 41 and blue value is 67.
- HSL: hue: 0.47 , saturation: 0.84, lightness: 0.38.
- HSV: 352°, 83°, 98°
- CMYK: 0, 84, 73, 2.
#86423e | Strawberry Jam |
- Strawberry Jam (#86423e)
RGB: (134, 66, 62) of which red value is 134, green value is 66 and blue value is 62.
- HSL: hue: 0.38 , saturation: 0.85, lightness: 0.21.
- HSV: 3°, 53°, 52°
- CMYK: 0, 51, 54, 47.
#c0514a | Sunset |
- Sunset (#c0514a)
RGB: (192, 81, 74) of which red value is 192, green value is 81 and blue value is 74.
- HSL: hue: 0.74 , saturation: 0.60, lightness: 0.05.
- HSV: 3°, 61°, 75°
- CMYK: 0, 58, 61, 25.
#9f5233 | Taisha Red |
- Taisha Red (#9f5233)
RGB: (159, 82, 51) of which red value is 159, green value is 82 and blue value is 51.
- HSL: hue: 0.35 , saturation: 0.93, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 17°, 67°, 62°
- CMYK: 0, 48, 68, 38.
#853534 | Tall Poppy |
- Tall Poppy (#853534)
RGB: (133, 53, 52) of which red value is 133, green value is 53 and blue value is 52.
- HSL: hue: 0.50 , saturation: 0.82, lightness: 0.18.
- HSV: 0°, 60°, 52°
- CMYK: 0, 60, 61, 48.
#ac0e2e | Tango Red |
- Tango Red (#ac0e2e)
RGB: (172, 14, 46) of which red value is 172, green value is 14 and blue value is 46.
- HSL: hue: 0.53 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.46.
- HSV: 347°, 91°, 67°
- CMYK: 0, 92, 73, 33.
#b8282f | Toadstool |
- Toadstool (#b8282f)
RGB: (184, 40, 47) of which red value is 184, green value is 40 and blue value is 47.
- HSL: hue: 0.50 , saturation: 0.84, lightness: 0.28.
- HSV: 357°, 78°, 72°
- CMYK: 0, 78, 74, 28.
#ec2d01 | Tomato Red |
- Tomato Red (#ec2d01)
RGB: (236, 45, 1) of which red value is 236, green value is 45 and blue value is 1.
- HSL: hue: 0.51 , saturation: 0.87, lightness: 0.44.
- HSV: 11°, 99°, 92°
- CMYK: 0, 81, 100, 7.
#b21807 | Tomato Sauce |
- Tomato Sauce (#b21807)
RGB: (178, 24, 7) of which red value is 178, green value is 24 and blue value is 7.
- HSL: hue: 0.64 , saturation: 0.84, lightness: 0.27.
- HSV: 5°, 96°, 69°
- CMYK: 0, 87, 96, 30.
#d1908e | Tongue |
- Tongue (#d1908e)
RGB: (209, 144, 142) of which red value is 209, green value is 144 and blue value is 142.
- HSL: hue: 0.28 , saturation: 0.52, lightness: 0.06.
- HSV: 1°, 32°, 81°
- CMYK: 0, 31, 32, 18.
#fd0d35 | Torch Red |
- Torch Red (#fd0d35)
RGB: (253, 13, 53) of which red value is 253, green value is 13 and blue value is 53.
- HSL: hue: 0.50 , saturation: 0.87, lightness: 0.44.
- HSV: 350°, 94°, 99°
- CMYK: 0, 95, 79, 1.
#fd0f35 | Tractor Red |
- Tractor Red (#fd0f35)
RGB: (253, 15, 53) of which red value is 253, green value is 15 and blue value is 53.
- HSL: hue: 0.53 , saturation: 0.90, lightness: 0.51.
- HSV: 350°, 94°, 99°
- CMYK: 0, 94, 79, 1.
#a22042 | True Crimson |
- True Crimson (#a22042)
RGB: (162, 32, 66) of which red value is 162, green value is 32 and blue value is 66.
- HSL: hue: 0.30 , saturation: 0.79, lightness: 0.07.
- HSV: 344°, 80°, 63°
- CMYK: 0, 80, 59, 36.
#bf1932 | True Red |
- True Red (#bf1932)
RGB: (191, 25, 50) of which red value is 191, green value is 25 and blue value is 50.
- HSL: hue: 0.43 , saturation: 0.91, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 350°, 86°, 74°
- CMYK: 0, 87, 74, 25.
#9b233b | Valentine Red |
- Valentine Red (#9b233b)
RGB: (155, 35, 59) of which red value is 155, green value is 35 and blue value is 59.
- HSL: hue: 0.37 , saturation: 0.90, lightness: 0.37.
- HSV: 348°, 77°, 60°
- CMYK: 0, 77, 62, 39.
#dd4132 | Vampire Red |
- Vampire Red (#dd4132)
RGB: (221, 65, 50) of which red value is 221, green value is 65 and blue value is 50.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.44.
- HSV: 5°, 77°, 86°
- CMYK: 0, 71, 77, 13.
#c80815 | Venetian Red |
- Venetian Red (#c80815)
RGB: (200, 8, 21) of which red value is 200, green value is 8 and blue value is 21.
- HSL: hue: 0.50 , saturation: 0.83, lightness: 0.28.
- HSV: 355°, 96°, 78°
- CMYK: 0, 96, 90, 22.
#f4320c | Vermilion |
- Vermilion (#f4320c)
RGB: (244, 50, 12) of which red value is 244, green value is 50 and blue value is 12.
- HSL: hue: 0.39 , saturation: 0.63, lightness: 0.16.
- HSV: 9°, 95°, 95°
- CMYK: 0, 80, 95, 4.
#9e3641 | Vintage Red |
- Vintage Red (#9e3641)
RGB: (158, 54, 65) of which red value is 158, green value is 54 and blue value is 65.
- HSL: hue: 0.40 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.46.
- HSV: 353°, 65°, 61°
- CMYK: 0, 66, 59, 38.
#a50055 | Violet Red |
- Violet Red (#a50055)
RGB: (165, 0, 85) of which red value is 165, green value is 0 and blue value is 85.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.17.
- HSV: 329°, 100°, 64°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 48, 35.
#ef3939 | Vivaldi Red |
- Vivaldi Red (#ef3939)
RGB: (239, 57, 57) of which red value is 239, green value is 57 and blue value is 57.
- HSL: hue: 0.43 , saturation: 0.91, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 0°, 76°, 93°
- CMYK: 0, 76, 76, 6.
#922724 | Vivid Auburn |
- Vivid Auburn (#922724)
RGB: (146, 39, 36) of which red value is 146, green value is 39 and blue value is 36.
- HSL: hue: 0.63 , saturation: 0.85, lightness: 0.24.
- HSV: 1°, 75°, 57°
- CMYK: 0, 73, 75, 43.
#9f1d35 | Vivid Burgundy |
- Vivid Burgundy (#9f1d35)
RGB: (159, 29, 53) of which red value is 159, green value is 29 and blue value is 53.
- HSL: hue: 0.48 , saturation: 0.93, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 348°, 81°, 62°
- CMYK: 0, 82, 67, 38.
#cc0033 | Vivid Crimson |
- Vivid Crimson (#cc0033)
RGB: (204, 0, 51) of which red value is 204, green value is 0 and blue value is 51.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.38.
- HSV: 345°, 100°, 80°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 75, 20.
#ff006c | Vivid Raspberry |
- Vivid Raspberry (#ff006c)
RGB: (255, 0, 108) of which red value is 255, green value is 0 and blue value is 108.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.95, lightness: 0.48.
- HSV: 334°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 58, 0.
#f70d1a | Vivid Red |
- Vivid Red (#f70d1a)
RGB: (247, 13, 26) of which red value is 247, green value is 13 and blue value is 26.
- HSL: hue: 0.58 , saturation: 0.87, lightness: 0.44.
- HSV: 356°, 94°, 96°
- CMYK: 0, 95, 89, 3.
#4e2728 | Volcano |
- Volcano (#4e2728)
RGB: (78, 39, 40) of which red value is 78, green value is 39 and blue value is 40.
- HSL: hue: 0.42 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.45.
- HSV: 358°, 50°, 30°
- CMYK: 0, 50, 49, 69.
#fd4659 | Watermelon |
- Watermelon (#fd4659)
RGB: (253, 70, 89) of which red value is 253, green value is 70 and blue value is 89.
- HSL: hue: 0.41 , saturation: 0.87, lightness: 0.45.
- HSV: 353°, 72°, 99°
- CMYK: 0, 72, 65, 1.
#80013f | Wine |
- Wine (#80013f)
RGB: (128, 1, 63) of which red value is 128, green value is 1 and blue value is 63.
- HSL: hue: 0.74 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.04.
- HSV: 330°, 99°, 50°
- CMYK: 0, 99, 51, 50.
#7b0323 | Wine Red |
- Wine Red (#7b0323)
RGB: (123, 3, 35) of which red value is 123, green value is 3 and blue value is 35.
- HSL: hue: 0.38 , saturation: 0.92, lightness: 0.36.
- HSV: 344°, 97°, 48°
- CMYK: 0, 98, 72, 52.