#7df9ff | Electric Blue |
- Electric Blue (#7df9ff)
RGB: (125, 249, 255) of which red value is 125, green value is 249 and blue value is 255.
- HSL: hue: 0.45 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.45.
- HSV: 182°, 50°, 100°
- CMYK: 51, 2, 0, 0.
#dd0044 | Electric Cherry |
- Electric Cherry (#dd0044)
RGB: (221, 0, 68) of which red value is 221, green value is 0 and blue value is 68.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.96, lightness: 0.42.
- HSV: 341°, 100°, 86°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 69, 13.
#ff003f | Electric Crimson |
- Electric Crimson (#ff003f)
RGB: (255, 0, 63) of which red value is 255, green value is 0 and blue value is 63.
- HSL: hue: 0.32 , saturation: 0.98, lightness: 0.48.
- HSV: 345°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 75, 0.
#0ff0fc | Electric Cyan |
- Electric Cyan (#0ff0fc)
RGB: (15, 240, 252) of which red value is 15, green value is 240 and blue value is 252.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 183°, 94°, 98°
- CMYK: 94, 5, 0, 1.
#21fc0d | Electric Green |
- Electric Green (#21fc0d)
RGB: (33, 252, 13) of which red value is 33, green value is 252 and blue value is 13.
- HSL: hue: 0.64 , saturation: 0.98, lightness: 0.38.
- HSV: 114°, 94°, 98°
- CMYK: 87, 0, 95, 1.
#ff009f | Electric Hollywood Cerise |
- Electric Hollywood Cerise (#ff009f)
RGB: (255, 0, 159) of which red value is 255, green value is 0 and blue value is 159.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.93, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 322°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 38, 0.
#ccff00 | Electric Lime |
- Electric Lime (#ccff00)
RGB: (204, 255, 0) of which red value is 204, green value is 255 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.52 , saturation: 0.90, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 72°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 20, 0, 100, 0.
#ff3503 | Electric Orange |
- Electric Orange (#ff3503)
RGB: (255, 53, 3) of which red value is 255, green value is 53 and blue value is 3.
- HSL: hue: 0.38 , saturation: 0.90, lightness: 0.51.
- HSV: 11°, 98°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 79, 99, 0.
#ff0490 | Electric Pink |
- Electric Pink (#ff0490)
RGB: (255, 4, 144) of which red value is 255, green value is 4 and blue value is 144.
- HSL: hue: 0.38 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 326°, 98°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 98, 44, 0.
#bf00ff | Electric Purple |
- Electric Purple (#bf00ff)
RGB: (191, 0, 255) of which red value is 191, green value is 0 and blue value is 255.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.91, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 284°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 25, 100, 0, 0.
#e60000 | Electric Red |
- Electric Red (#e60000)
RGB: (230, 0, 0) of which red value is 230, green value is 0 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.31 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.19.
- HSV: 0°, 100°, 90°
- CMYK: 0, 100, 100, 10.
#55ffff | Electric Sheep |
- Electric Sheep (#55ffff)
RGB: (85, 255, 255) of which red value is 85, green value is 255 and blue value is 255.
- HSL: hue: 0.61 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.51.
- HSV: 180°, 66°, 100°
- CMYK: 67, 0, 0, 0.
#3f00ff | Electric Ultramarine |
- Electric Ultramarine (#3f00ff)
RGB: (63, 0, 255) of which red value is 63, green value is 0 and blue value is 255.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.98, lightness: 0.48.
- HSV: 254°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 75, 100, 0, 0.
#fffc00 | Electric Violet |
- Electric Violet (#fffc00)
RGB: (255, 252, 0) of which red value is 255, green value is 252 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.46 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.53.
- HSV: 59°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 1, 100, 0.
#04d9ff | Neon Blue |
- Neon Blue (#04d9ff)
RGB: (4, 217, 255) of which red value is 4, green value is 217 and blue value is 255.
- HSL: hue: 0.59 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.31.
- HSV: 189°, 98°, 100°
- CMYK: 98, 15, 0, 0.
#ff9933 | Neon Carrot |
- Neon Carrot (#ff9933)
RGB: (255, 153, 51) of which red value is 255, green value is 153 and blue value is 51.
- HSL: hue: 0.43 , saturation: 0.95, lightness: 0.52.
- HSV: 30°, 80°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 40, 80, 0.
#ff073a | Neon Red |
- Neon Red (#ff073a)
RGB: (255, 7, 58) of which red value is 255, green value is 7 and blue value is 58.
- HSL: hue: 0.41 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.50.
- HSV: 347°, 97°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 97, 77, 0.
#cfff04 | Neon Yellow |
- Neon Yellow (#cfff04)
RGB: (207, 255, 4) of which red value is 207, green value is 255 and blue value is 4.
- HSL: hue: 0.49 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.52.
- HSV: 71°, 98°, 100°
- CMYK: 19, 0, 98, 0.