Applications in our phones and computers can do us so much help nowadays. With a press of a button, we can have quick and easy access to our preferred entertainment, perform our jobs, and communicate with others and other personal matters. While these apps are indeed useful, they should be organized in a way that is pleasing and hassle-free. That is where good app icons take place.
App icons are the symbols for the applications on your device. They should not be mistaken as logos, though. These icons, though they do not require many words, can be creatively designed to indicate what application it refers to. But where do you get great app icons that are also free? Here we recommend the best sites to get such icons:

- Icons8: Here, you can choose from the hundreds of icons available that best suit all iOS, Android, and Windows 10 purposes. For iOS, download gyphs in addition to filled and unfilled icons, and in Android, Material Design icon is available for you to download, and they come in as filled, outlined, rounded, or sharp-edged. Both of these platforms have color and grayscale icons for your taste. When using this site, customers have to download each icon separately rather than have them as a pack. There might be a little hassle, but the icons will be worth it. Furthermore, icons are sorted by category and current trends to make your search easier.
- Iconfinder: They feature a variety of unique categories: Business & Avatar, Logos & Brands, Space Flat – Galaxy Fantasy & Role-playing, , and more icons about Basic User Interface as well as Social Media. Like, Icons 8, you download icons you picked separately. Click on the icons and download them in SVG, AI, or PNG format.
- Nuceloapp: Gives access to a test pack of more than 60 app icons for free that contain an outline, color, mini-icons, and glyph. The icons themselves are minimalist but classy and are versatile to a myriad of concepts and scenarios such as phone settings and utility functions for ecommerce apps, education, communication, and others. You may download their free app icons test pack in SVGs format.
- Iconarchive: It also gives users access to hundreds of pages worth of colored and outline app icons, which should be downloaded separately. You can use their icon if you like cartoonish features, especially for gaming and social apps, though they also have serious, neutral designs.
- Findicons: Like Iconarchive, this site provides a number of pages of free fun and whimsical app icons to download (PNG, ICO, and ICNS format) individually as you please. Apply a filter in your search to easily access designs of your liking.
- Squid Ink:It features a wide selection of beautiful app icons. Pick from detailed to simplistic and two-dimensional icons, designed from vector shapes and can be customized in any way you want. You may use them for a mobile phone app, but there are other categories available: food and drinks, media, editing, social, utility, etc. Downloadable via SVG, PNG, PSD, EPS, and AI formats.
- Ionicicons: Ionicicons provides you free Material Design and iOS style app icons to download.
- Elegant Themes: The site features a clean set of pixel-perfect line app icons. Its latest pack has 100 Free Line-Style Icons suited for any scenario.
- Pixeden: It has a downloadable set of pencil-thin stroke icons called Stroke 7 icon pack for free, featuring 202 app icons for free as entirely scalable vectors, minimalistic yet modifiable, and are iOS7 system-inspired.
- IcoMoon: It has a free downloadable icon pack consisting of 490 16-pixel grid handcrafted icons, also optimized to use as Icon Fonts and can be downloaded as high retina PNG files. Formats are SVG, PDF, EPS, Ai, and PSD
- Sketch App Sources: If you’re designing a niche app, this app is good for you. It has a wide selection of free app icons to use for a sketch, though you can find other icons suited for generic uses. You can download them via pack (format: Sketch Files)
- Material Design: This is A website that can help you design an app on Android, and you can search here for the free app icons. Designs included are Filled, Outlined, Rounded, Two-Tone, and Sharp contrast. These icons are individually downloadable in SVG or PNG format.
- Dribbble: Another website for designers. It features many app icons in packs suited for both commercial and personal use. What’s great about this website is that the icons are made by designers and shared for free. These are downloaded as single PSD files.
- Freebies Bug: They offer icons for those who prefer simple, flat, and minimalistic designs. It has 2 free application icon packs that are available and ready for download through PSD\SVG. (Recommend: Amenities by Dot on Paper and 80 stroke icons by Petras Nargela)
- Tympanus: It has a great free giveaway icons in the form of the Helium icon pack. It’s called as such because of its finely shaded lines and glossy design resembling hot air balloons. It is a multi-purpose set with nicely done, minimal designs for an eye-pleasing effect.
- Themify: This website offers a pack with over 320 hand-drawn app icons! It can be for both personal and commercial use, these icons are minimalist, two dimensional, and grayscale, but you can edit them as you please.
- Iconmonstr: It has a library of bold and simple, flat, or solid free app icon designs with new editions every month! A good choice in designing gaming or socializing apps.
- Aegeank Geared for both and serious design in business related apps. It offers a free Sketch Active app icon pack ready for download by ketch, PNG, AI, and EPS formats.
- iconSweet: It has an artistic, sleek designs with their extensive pack of thousands of simple yet stylish and attractive icons.
- Justinmind: They offer free app icon kits for Android and iOS app prototypes on their UI kits page. The Android Icons UI Kit features icons with the latest Material Design trends, while the iOS Icons UI kit respectively uses icons according to Apples Human Interface Guidelines. With Justinmind, you can use app icons that follow the universal language shared by Android and iOS devices.
- Open Iconic: Itoffers free 223 app icons for serious or neutral app designs that are modifiable and adaptable for your own personal branding.