There are many great CRM platforms out there. If you love coding in Laravel, these CRM packages will be your best choices.

LaraAdmin cab be used as backend for any websites but its main purpose is still a CRM. Role and permission is important in an CRM, and LaraAdmin does it well out of the box. It uses Zizaco/Entrust for creation of Role and Permissions. This package has many great features like features like Advanced CRUD Generation, Schema Manager and Workflows to allow developer to focus on presentation and to reduce development time drastically.

DayByDayCRM, formly known as Flarepoint, is a free, open-source CRM platform based on Laravel 7. DayByDayCRM has come a long way since Flarepoint , but it is still under development and needs more features such as better caching, excel import/export. It features project management, tasks management, leads management, simple invoice management, time management, role management, easy configurable settings, client overview, documents upload, etc…. if you need a basic and free CRM written in Laravel, DayByDayCRM should be your choice.

LCRM is a next generation CRM application packed with lot of features and is priced at $40. LCRM is a complete solution as a sales system. It has many advantages which can help owner track, analyze and forecast sales. It features Leads, Opportunities, Sales teams, Quotations, Invoice, Sales orders, Calls Meetings, Contracts, Companies, Company contact persons, E-Mail, E-mail templates, Import Contacts and sales teams, and RESTful API for all modules.