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Emojisย are small images used on electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops to convey an emotion or represent an object more effectively than a text statement.

An emoji is a set of pictograms and ideograms used in electronic messages, web pages, and social media. Emojis were originally utilized primarily through mobile phones (such as the Japanese SoftBank 005350 โ€” 2nd highest market value company) with spread to computers (as with Facebook etc.).

The word emoji comes from Japanese: e meaning “picture” and moji meaning “character”, together meaning “pictographic character”. The difference between emoji and katakana characters is that katakana is often phonetic characters like “ใƒ‰ใƒณ” which denotes the sound D followed by N, or they make up words like “ใƒกใƒผใƒซ” (= email) where they take other meanings than their literal translation.

All Emojis

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Why do People love Using Emojis in Chat?

Emojis have a history of more than a hundred years, and it is called Kaomoji, or Japanese facial expression. The trend in Japan started as early as 1998 when they were used by cell phone users to fill gaps between words, for example: instead of typing “What are you doing?”, some people would use kaomojis ๐Ÿ™ˆ. Today this trend has taken over the Internet, especially with the increasing popularity of messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger – we all tend to use them to express our feelings rather than text itself.

Mood is the main reason for using emojis in messaging apps – they allow us to express ourselves more easily as we don’t have to rely on words alone (a smiley or an angry face can say more than 1,000 words).

Emojis are everywhere and it seems that people are able to convey their emotions better thanks to these graphic symbols. According to a survey, 18% of US citizens consider that emojis and gifs actually tell more about someone’s personality than their actual text messages; 24% believe that they reflect the mood of the speaker more accurately; 23% of those questioned said that emojis make communication quicker, clearer and easier; and finally, 20% of the US citizens said that emojis are easier to express what they want to say than words.

As it is already clear from this data, people tend to use emojis when they cannot find enough words to describe their feelings. Today we have thousands of images at our disposal thanks to Unicode 11 released on June 5th, 2018. With so many new symbols and emotions available now for any messaging app user, it seems only natural that people would feel more comfortable using them when communicating with others online.

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