#1f0954 | Dark Indigo |
- Dark Indigo (#1f0954)
RGB: (31, 9, 84) of which red value is 31, green value is 9 and blue value is 84.
- HSL: hue: 0.44 , saturation: 0.99, lightness: 0.47.
- HSV: 257°, 89°, 32°
- CMYK: 63, 89, 0, 67.
#6F00FF | Electric Indigo |
- Electric Indigo (#6F00FF)
RGB: (111, 0, 255) of which red value is 111, green value is 0 and blue value is 255.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.95, lightness: 0.48.
- HSV: 266°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 56, 100, 0, 0.
#006ca9 | Faded Indigo |
- Faded Indigo (#006ca9)
RGB: (0, 108, 169) of which red value is 0, green value is 108 and blue value is 169.
- HSL: hue: 0.66 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.40.
- HSV: 201°, 100°, 66°
- CMYK: 100, 36, 0, 34.
#002395 | Imperial Blue |
- Imperial Blue (#002395)
RGB: (0, 35, 149) of which red value is 0, green value is 35 and blue value is 149.
- HSL: hue: 0.66 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.11.
- HSV: 225°, 100°, 58°
- CMYK: 100, 77, 0, 42.
#324680 | Indigo |
- Indigo (#324680)
RGB: (50, 70, 128) of which red value is 50, green value is 70 and blue value is 128.
- HSL: hue: 0.61 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.21.
- HSV: 224°, 60°, 50°
- CMYK: 61, 45, 0, 50.
#274447 | Japanese Indigo |
- Japanese Indigo (#274447)
RGB: (39, 68, 71) of which red value is 39, green value is 68 and blue value is 71.
- HSL: hue: 0.43 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.23.
- HSV: 185°, 45°, 27°
- CMYK: 45, 4, 0, 72.
#6d8994 | Jeans Indigo |
- Jeans Indigo (#6d8994)
RGB: (109, 137, 148) of which red value is 109, green value is 137 and blue value is 148.
- HSL: hue: 0.45 , saturation: 0.95, lightness: 0.44.
- HSV: 196°, 26°, 58°
- CMYK: 26, 7, 0, 42.
#393e4f | Kachi Indigo |
- Kachi Indigo (#393e4f)
RGB: (57, 62, 79) of which red value is 57, green value is 62 and blue value is 79.
- HSL: hue: 0.56 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.45.
- HSV: 226°, 27°, 30°
- CMYK: 28, 22, 0, 69.
#353a4c | Mood Indigo |
- Mood Indigo (#353a4c)
RGB: (53, 58, 76) of which red value is 53, green value is 58 and blue value is 76.
- HSL: hue: 0.58 , saturation: 0.96, lightness: 0.33.
- HSV: 226°, 30°, 29°
- CMYK: 30, 24, 0, 70.
#091f92 | Neon Indigo |
- Neon Indigo (#091f92)
RGB: (9, 31, 146) of which red value is 9, green value is 31 and blue value is 146.
- HSL: hue: 0.57 , saturation: 1.00, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 230°, 93°, 57°
- CMYK: 94, 79, 0, 43.
#4e4260 | Royal Indigo |
- Royal Indigo (#4e4260)
RGB: (78, 66, 96) of which red value is 78, green value is 66 and blue value is 96.
- HSL: hue: 0.36 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.45.
- HSV: 264°, 31°, 37°
- CMYK: 19, 31, 0, 62.
#9683ec | Tropical indigo |
- Tropical indigo (#9683ec)
RGB: (150, 131, 236) of which red value is 150, green value is 131 and blue value is 236.
- HSL: hue: 0.43 , saturation: 0.84, lightness: 0.22.
- HSV: 250°, 44°, 92°
- CMYK: 36, 44, 0, 7.
#3e285c | Violet Indigo |
- Violet Indigo (#3e285c)
RGB: (62, 40, 92) of which red value is 62, green value is 40 and blue value is 92.
- HSL: hue: 0.43 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.45.
- HSV: 265°, 56°, 36°
- CMYK: 33, 57, 0, 64.
#4b0082 | Web Indigo |
- Web Indigo (#4b0082)
RGB: (75, 0, 130) of which red value is 75, green value is 0 and blue value is 130.
- HSL: hue: 0.34 , saturation: 0.96, lightness: 0.35.
- HSV: 274°, 100°, 50°
- CMYK: 42, 100, 0, 49.