#ffbf00 | Amber |
- Amber (#ffbf00)
RGB: (255, 191, 0) of which red value is 255, green value is 191 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.49 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.52.
- HSV: 44°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 25, 100, 0.
#a66646 | Amber Brown |
- Amber Brown (#a66646)
RGB: (166, 102, 70) of which red value is 166, green value is 102 and blue value is 70.
- HSL: hue: 0.50 , saturation: 0.82, lightness: 0.22.
- HSV: 20°, 57°, 65°
- CMYK: 0, 39, 58, 35.
#f6bc77 | Amber Dawn |
- Amber Dawn (#f6bc77)
RGB: (246, 188, 119) of which red value is 246, green value is 188 and blue value is 119.
- HSL: hue: 0.58 , saturation: 0.86, lightness: 0.42.
- HSV: 32°, 51°, 96°
- CMYK: 0, 24, 52, 4.
#c19552 | Amber Gold |
- Amber Gold (#c19552)
RGB: (193, 149, 82) of which red value is 193, green value is 149 and blue value is 82.
- HSL: hue: 0.64 , saturation: 0.75, lightness: 0.19.
- HSV: 36°, 57°, 75°
- CMYK: 0, 23, 58, 24.
#9a803a | Amber Green |
- Amber Green (#9a803a)
RGB: (154, 128, 58) of which red value is 154, green value is 128 and blue value is 58.
- HSL: hue: 0.33 , saturation: 0.96, lightness: 0.34.
- HSV: 43°, 62°, 60°
- CMYK: 0, 17, 62, 40.
#fab75a | Amber Yellow |
- Amber Yellow (#fab75a)
RGB: (250, 183, 90) of which red value is 250, green value is 183 and blue value is 90.
- HSL: hue: 0.44 , saturation: 0.84, lightness: 0.36.
- HSV: 34°, 64°, 98°
- CMYK: 0, 27, 64, 2.
#dc793e | Amberglow |
- Amberglow (#dc793e)
RGB: (220, 121, 62) of which red value is 220, green value is 121 and blue value is 62.
- HSL: hue: 0.45 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.42.
- HSV: 22°, 71°, 86°
- CMYK: 0, 45, 72, 14.
#feb308 | Dithered Amber |
- Dithered Amber (#feb308)
RGB: (254, 179, 8) of which red value is 254, green value is 179 and blue value is 8.
- HSL: hue: 0.36 , saturation: 0.88, lightness: 0.49.
- HSV: 41°, 96°, 99°
- CMYK: 0, 30, 97, 0.
#ca6924 | Kohaku Amber |
- Kohaku Amber (#ca6924)
RGB: (202, 105, 36) of which red value is 202, green value is 105 and blue value is 36.
- HSL: hue: 0.48 , saturation: 0.87, lightness: 0.35.
- HSV: 24°, 82°, 79°
- CMYK: 0, 48, 82, 21.
#6d3b24 | New Amber |
- New Amber (#6d3b24)
RGB: (109, 59, 36) of which red value is 109, green value is 59 and blue value is 36.
- HSL: hue: 0.47 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.43.
- HSV: 18°, 66°, 42°
- CMYK: 0, 46, 67, 57.
#ff7e00 | Safety Amber |
- Safety Amber (#ff7e00)
RGB: (255, 126, 0) of which red value is 255, green value is 126 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.48 , saturation: 0.94, lightness: 0.51.
- HSV: 29°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 51, 100, 0.
#ffba00 | Selective Yellow |
- Selective Yellow (#ffba00)
RGB: (255, 186, 0) of which red value is 255, green value is 186 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.44 , saturation: 0.97, lightness: 0.52.
- HSV: 43°, 100°, 100°
- CMYK: 0, 27, 100, 0.
#d19776 | Tawny Amber |
- Tawny Amber (#d19776)
RGB: (209, 151, 118) of which red value is 209, green value is 151 and blue value is 118.
- HSL: hue: 0.65 , saturation: 0.80, lightness: 0.26.
- HSV: 21°, 43°, 81°
- CMYK: 0, 28, 44, 18.
#b58141 | Tiffany Amber |
- Tiffany Amber (#b58141)
RGB: (181, 129, 65) of which red value is 181, green value is 129 and blue value is 65.
- HSL: hue: 0.35 , saturation: 0.78, lightness: 0.19.
- HSV: 33°, 64°, 70°
- CMYK: 0, 29, 64, 29.
#cc9900 | Vivid Amber |
- Vivid Amber (#cc9900)
RGB: (204, 153, 0) of which red value is 204, green value is 153 and blue value is 0.
- HSL: hue: 0.45 , saturation: 0.89, lightness: 0.42.
- HSV: 45°, 100°, 80°
- CMYK: 0, 25, 100, 20.